For August babies, this is the time to attract some luck while staying stylish—with our peridot gemstone jewelry collection.

The August birthstone jewelry, Peridot (pronounced Peri-doe, not peridot!), also known as 'The Gem of the Sun', is a remarkably rare precious stone discovered in volcanic lava or meteorites. Peridot is both a day and a night stone, maintaining its brilliant color in any lighting and earning the nickname "evening emerald." These stunning stones range in color from bright grassy green to deep olive, and just one look is enough to captivate you.

In honor of the fascinating jewelry with birthstones for August babies, here's everything you need to know about wearing peridot with style. Let us attract some luck while looking beautiful, shall we?

What Historical Significance Does Peridot Hold?

Peridots have been shrouded in myth for millennia. Pliny the Elder (23–79 AD), an ancient researcher, discovered the August Birthstone on a small island near Egypt. Later, the ancient Egyptians guarded this island closely because it was thought to be the location of priceless treasures. Some of Cleopatra's famous emeralds are thought to have been peridots. They were popular with Egyptian pharaohs and are now the country's national treasure.

Prior to its arrival and introduction to Western culture, the Peridot was regarded as a spiritually significant gem in Hawaiian mythology. In ancient Hawaii, worshippers would honor Pele, the volcano goddess, by gathering the stones after each eruption, believing they were the goddess' tears of joy. Pele unleashes her fury with lava before repaying the people with gleaming droplets of sunlight. This is why Peridot is known as the stone of healing and forgiveness'.

The stone did not gain widespread popularity until the Victorian and Edwardian eras. This is because King Edward declared it his favorite stone, equating it with confidence, regality, and power.

What Makes Peridot a Unique Choice for August Birthdays?

The name of the stone comes from the Arabic word "Faridat," which means "gem." Some believe the name is derived from the Ancient Greek phrase "Peridona," which means "giving in abundance," and refers to the popular belief that the stone bestows wealth, success, and ultimate good fortune.

Peridot, nature's beautiful green color, is associated with harmony, wellness, sound sleep, and tranquility. It is also known as the Stone of Compassion and is thought to calm anger. This stone was intended to protect the wearer from nightmares and was commonly embedded in the armor of Crusaders returning from the Mediterranean, as it was thought to strengthen and boost positive qualities.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Peridot Jewelry?

Read on to discover all the advantages of wearing a Peridot gemstone:

- A peridot gem boosts people's strength and vitality. It reduces anxiety and keeps the wearer calm and composed, allowing them to make more informed life decisions.
- Peridot, also known as olivine stone, protects against negative energies. They assist the wearer in attracting positivity in all situations; regardless of the circumstances, a Peridot gemstone ensures that no negativity is conveyed when worn.
- The peridot gemstone is deeply associated with all of the synonyms for love: happiness, trust, and truth. Wearing a natural peridot stone allows you to feel the goodness of love, loyalty, and warmth.
- A natural peridot stone provides numerous health benefits as well. It aids in the treatment of diseases affecting the lungs, breasts, intestinal tract, spleen, and lymph. It is also good for asthma and sinusitis. Its nursing abilities have numerous magical effects on the eye, stomach, thyroid, liver, and other body organs.
- Peridots relieve feelings of rage, fear, nervousness, anxiety, and jealousy. It clears your mind, allowing you to think clearly and make sound decisions.

Peridot Birthstone Collection at Rogers & Hollands

This peridot pendant features a genuine cushion-cut 5mm peridot center surrounded by a halo of diamonds, all set in sterling silver.

These solitaire stud earrings feature one 7mm princess-cut peridot all set in 14 karat white gold.

This peridot ring features a genuine cushion-cut 5mm peridot center surrounded by a halo of diamonds, all set in sterling silver.

What Are the Best Ways to Care for Peridot Jewelry?

Peridot is softer than many other stones and cannot withstand excessive wear. The stone is not recommended for everyday use due to its low Mohs hardness rating of 6.5 to 7. Certain acids, as well as prolonged exposure to acidic sweat, can harm the August birthstone. Peridot cleaning is a delicate procedure.

To clean the peridot, use a fine brush, lukewarm water, and a mild dishwashing liquid. Peridot jewelry is sensitive to thermal stress under certain conditions, so excessive cleaning with steam or an ultrasonic cleaner may damage it. 

Fascinating Facts on Peridot

- The name comes from the Arabic word "faridat," which literally means "gem."
- Although the gemstone was discovered thousands of years ago, the National Association of Jewelers designated peridot as the August birthstone in 1912.
- Peridot is the only gemstone that has a single hue. Peridots vary in color, clarity, and transparency, but they are all green.
- Peridot is one of the jewels used to embellish the Three Kings Shrine in Cologne.
- Many British royals wear peridots. Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, is usually seen wearing peridots, blue topaz, and diamond earrings.
- Peridot has been discovered at meteorite crash sites, indicating that it exists in space.
- On a lighter note, peridots are thought to reduce ego and jealousy, which is ironic given that the color green is associated with envy.
- The largest peridot discovered to date weighs 319 carats and can be seen at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
Final Note

Peridots are an excellent alternative to emeralds for individuals who enjoy green stones but want a less costly option. Nonetheless, these stones have their own charm and individuality that appear to align you from the inside out. Discover the latest August birthstone fine jewelry in the Rogers & Hollands | Ashcroft & Oak collection.