Shipping Policies

We want to make your shopping experience with us enjoyable & hassle-free.

We’re proud to provide our guests with free shipping on all orders $99 or more in the US! Have an item delivered right to your door, or choose complimentary shipping or pick up to any ofour stores for personal pick up. Once processed, your order will be shipped out and arrive at your designated shipping destination according to the delivery method you selected when you placed your order. All packages are fully insured against loss or damage, at no additional charge, for your protection. Signature Requirement: All shipments will have a signature requirement.

Standard Shipping: FREE with $99+ purchase

3-5 Shipping Days (Not including processing time)

Expedited Shipping: $50

1 Business Shipping Day (Not including processing time)

Pick Up In-Store

Pick up your jewelry in one day or less! No waiting for shipping. This option gives you (almost) instant jewelry-shopping gratification! Great for last-minute birthday shopping, anniversaries that pop up, or grabbing a holiday gift. This feature gives you the opportunity to meet with a jewelry expert to help answer any questions you may have about your new piece, protection plans, or warranties. If it’s not readily available in-store for pick up, we’ll ship your purchase to the Rogers & Hollands or Ashcroft & Oak store of your choice - for free.

Here’s how pick up in-store works:

  1. While shopping on our website, check if the item is available and IN STOCK for pick up by clicking SEARCH LOCAL STORES on the item page

  2. If your item is available at your selected location you will see a message that your item is IN STOCK at this store (PLEASE NOTE: Same day pick up is not available for rings requiring sizing or items with engraving selected):

    Web notification for in-store pickup option at Rogers & Hollands Jewelers.

    If your item is not available at your selected location you will see a message that your items will need to be shipped to the store:

    Web notification for Out of stock with an option to 'Change Store.'

  3. Choose your desired pick up location and add the item to your shopping bag
  4. Select Pick Up In-Store at checkout

    If your item is IN STOCK and available for same-day pick up, you will see a message that a store associate will contact you when your order is ready:

    Same-day pick up

    If your item is out of stock, you will see a message that the order will be shipped to the store and not available for same-day pick up:

    Ship to store
  5. You will receive a series of email messages. First, you'll get an Order Confirmation acknowledging receipt of your order. Then, you'll receive a second email when your order is ready at the store. For IN STOCK orders, allow 1 hour for processing. PLEASE WAIT FOR THE SECOND EMAIL BEFORE HEADING TO THE STORE!
  6. You'll need two of the following to pick up your order:
    • Order confirmation email

    • Government-issued photo I.D.

    • Credit card used to make your purchase

      Buy online, pick up in store


You have 14 days from the day we contact you to pick up your purchase. After 14 days, your order will be sent back and we'll credit your original payment method. Only you can pick up your order. We want to make sure only you get the merchandise you ordered and paid for.


Order Processing

Order processing in most cases will include credit card validation, name and address verification, and fraud protection screening for your security. Order processing also includes sizing and special ordering if required as well as travel time to the webstore distribution center in some cases. Once these steps are complete, your order is ready for final inspection and packaging.

Orders for IN STOCK items that do not require sizing or engraving requests will be processed and shipped the next business day.

Orders requiring sizing will be processed as follows:

  • Standard sizes for most rings are size 7 for women and 10 for men. To request a ring in any other size can add up to 5 business days to the total delivery time. The additional time that will be added to the total delivery time is noted in the drop-down menu where the size is chosen.
  • Some ring materials, such as stainless steel, titanium or intricately carved or engraved rings must be special ordered, for non-standard sizes, from the manufacturer. The additional time that will be added to the total delivery time is noted in the drop-down menu where the size is chosen.


Additional Information

We do not ship internationally with the exception of military bases. We do not ship to freight forwarding services.

Signature Requirement

All shipments will have a signature requirement.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call (708) 679-7588